Fullmetal Alchemist creator, Hiromu Arakawa will be returning back this December, to write a new manga series named “Yomi no Tsugai” which is termed “The hinge of the underworld” in English. In Nov 12, Square Enix’s Shonen Gangan magazine stated that Hiromu’s new manga series will begin on the next issue, which will be issued on December 10.
The golden hair girl in the artwork is the main heroine called Yuru, alongside her twin sister called Asa.
“The hinge of the underworld” will relate the narrative of a youngster Yuru, who lives in a faraway town set between mountains. Yuru spends his day hunting birds, and enjoying nature. However, one day his twin sister Asa is imprisoned. Yuru’s adventure begins by gently unveiling the mysteries hiding under the town.
We know from a drawing shared earlier that Yuru utilizes a bow and an arrow as a weapon. However, fans will have to wait till first chapter gets out, to know what type of universe the narrative is set in.
Hiromu Arakawa is renowned for Japanese manga series “Fullmetal Alchemist”, which started publication in July 2001, and finished in June 2010. The manga series was converted into 2 anime series and a light book series as well. At the time of writing, Fullmetal Alchemist manga series had sold more than 80 million copies, making it one of the most popular comics globally.