The duel begins with Higuruma expanding his territory and “jailing” Yuuji, who is not pleased with the outcome. Yuuji was no longer cursed because sin had been established. The nature of Higuruma’s (or Reggie’s) curse will be explained in the following chapter. Megumi will make every effort to defeat her opponent as rapidly as possible in order to capture Yuuji.
While Yuuji did not intend to purchase time, he did promise to give his all and do his hardest to persuade Higuruma to change his mind. It is undeniably true that Higuruma is extremely powerful, and it is anticipated that his curse will have something to do with “balancing” or “justice.”
Yuuji’s impeachment on the basis of the balance of evidence was a possibility, and Higuruma would have to decide whether or not he was a horrible person. Higuruma initiates “Dominion Expansion” and casts a curse spell on Yuuji called “Social Welfare” in order to gain control of the world. Violence is strictly prohibited in this area.