According to a trustworthy leaker, the manga “Four Knights of the Apocalypse,” a successor to the Seven Deadly Sins, will be adapted into an anime series. The series follows the adventures of Percival, a good-hearted young boy who lives with his grandmother in a spot known as “God’s finger.”
The boy is content with his life until one day he has a meeting with a specific knight, who changes his destiny and reveals a surprising fact. Following the incident, the young child embarks on an interminable journey.
This series will appeal to anyone, regardless of whether or not they are familiar with the Seven Deadly Sins.
A group of highly powerful warriors from Britannia’s tribe, the four horsemen ride into battle. All of the members are descended from the Seven Deadly Sins, and their primary objective is to spark a new holy war throughout the planet. Although only 35 manga chapters have been published so far, it is astonishing that Four Knights of the Apocalypse will be getting an anime adaptation.
Taking into consideration the fact that the majority of popular manga series obtain an anime adaptation after 100 chapters. So far, no information has been released about the animation studio or the cast.
Nakaba Suzuki is the creator of the manga series, as well as its illustrator. The series began publication in Weekly Shonen Magazine in January 2021 and will conclude in December 2021.