After Gu Bei transforms into a standard form, the conference between Gu Clan Elders and Gu Clan Patriarch Gu Tianlong begins. He also demonstrated a lion-like beast form. To see Xinger and Nie Li, he transforms into his human form and heads there. They discussed the futures of Gu Bei and Tainlong after agreeing that Gui Bei is the successor from the most recent chapter of Tales Of Demons And Gods.
Although Gu Bei is continually improving, some of the Elders are concerned that he hasn’t amassed enough external forces. The Elders believe that the Gu Clan is in a hurry to appoint Gu Bei as the next heir. Even though he knows the Elders would continue to debate, Tianlong informs them that Gu Bei will be the next in line to succeed because Gu Heng has such a bad reputation right now. Tianlong. Despite his poor reputation, he possesses considerable talent and strength.
According to Tianlong, Gu Heng could not be the first in line successor because he needed to qualify for that position, but he will watch Gu Heng and Gu Bei. There was also discussion of the Gu Clan’s rules being broken. Gu Heng is the subject of rumours among the Elders, who allege that he has broken the rules and has a poor character.
Respected Elders and the rest of the community agree that the Patriarch has their full support.
Warrior conversations regarding Gu Bei’s case erupted in the open air, with warriors exchanging information about what they’d learned from the Gu Elders. According to one of them, Gu Bei has been elevated to the position of first-in-command. Those who admire him show their admiration by wishing him well.
Supporters of Gu Heng are baffled as to why he is spending so much time in the second place. There is a nagging suspicion that Gu Heng is not feeling well. Guy believes that because they know anything about Gu Heng, they didn’t promote him because the Patriarch knows something about him. Afraid they’ll use his plans, Gu Heng rushed to set up the meeting and decided on the same day. Gu Bei joins Nie Li and Xinger in a toast to the occasion. In the eyes of Gu Heng, it is puzzling why Gu Bei was given such a high position since he had little influence in the outside world.
However, he was assisted in the past in his attempt to remove Gu Lan from the horse by someone else. The second Gu Lan, according to Gu Heng, is Gu Bei. He’s confident that someone will come to his aid and remove Gu Bei from the spotlight before he gets a chance to shine. After hearing from Xinger and Nie Li, Gu Bei said that he knows he’s a genius and Gu Lan’s only hope for rescuing his sister from certain doom. In the absence of Gu Heng, most of the men are pleased for Gu Bei. Because Gu Bei is from the 2-Fate Realm, Nie Li teases him.
Since Gu Bei was given this position by the Patriarch, he was able to capture Gu Heng. In fact, the Patriarch was fully aware of the situation involving Lan and Hung and was powerless to intervene. It is revealed that Gu Heng was the only one having a Good Level Dragon Bloodline Demond Spirit. Nie Li warned Gu Bei to be cautious because he believes Gu Heng is furious right now. When it comes to the outside world, it’s important to remember that Gu Heng has built up a formidable army. It’s no secret that Xinger longs to rejoin the members of the Heavenly Note Sect.
Chapter 353 of Tales of Demons and Gods release date:
Chapter 353 of Tales of Demons and Gods will be available on November 2nd, 2021. To her amazement, when Nie Li advised Xinger to take care of herself, the young woman went forward and kissed him. The men who were on the sidelines were taken aback by the fact that a woman had initiated contact. Nie Li had mentioned to her what he’d written in which he discussed the Dragon Bloodline and the Demon Spirits. Nie Li
To get to the Heavenly Note Sect, Xinger walked away. Check out the Tales of Demons and Gods Chapter 353 official details.
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