It is revealed that Zhao soldiers were assassinated and Kanki’s troops are now in control of the battlefield. We begin the chapter with reports from the Zhao soldiers in Kantan. After Kanki’s win, Kannyou hears about it and more from Gyou through bird at Kanyou HQ. Since Kanki has won the war and commands his warriors to behead the opponents while distributing the lucky ones, Kingdom Manga has been focusing on this topic. When Kanki kills his hostages, soldiers denounce him to the palace in a new chapter of Kingdoms. The messenger hesitates to say how many of the captives were killed when asked by Sei.
In the end, Sei realises that Kanki had killed around 100,000 people. Shoubunkun and Rishi chatted once Rishi realised that the task had grown more difficult. They also talked about unifying China and the fact that their aim will not be achieved unless they unite with the people who occupy the state and form a single nation. Although some people may want to fight back against those who killed their loved ones, they can’t take on the entire globe. For some reason, Rishi can’t understand why Kanki was promoted to Great General.
Military operations leave them stumped, therefore this leaves the two with many unanswered issues. Whether Kanki is the proper person to command the conflicts and one of the Six Great Generals is also discussed. How many soldiers are able to move? Sei inquires. As soon as Sei mentions Black Cavalry and Yellow Dragons, Shouheikun recognises what Sei is talking about. That is what Sei wants to do with the soldiers that are in Kanki. Kou and Rei chat about their sentiments in the HSU HQ.
Last seen in Chapter 697 of Kingdom
In conversation with Kou, Kanki’s execution of Zhao soldiers was mentioned. Shin is worried that he won’t be able to interfere with Kanki’s plans because he was placed in such a remote location, so he plans to confront the mercenary and expel him. There was no compelling reason for ten to attend. Kanki is a Great Six general, and Ten reminds Shin of their instructions and Kanki’s status.
This is different from Kokuyou, therefore they don’t have to hurry things up like they did with Kokuyou. They could start a new war if they move, but Shin doesn’t seem to care. Ten tries to advise him, but he must first resign as general in order to do so. Ten reminds Shin of the general’s position, which calms him down. Zhao might send another army after hearing of the deaths of their soldiers, and they don’t want to be in the middle of that. That’s what Ten told him.
In spite of their exhaustion from the previous battle, the soldiers were assigned a new mission: to halt Zhao and safeguard Kanki. Shin inquires as to whether or not she claims that Kanki’s army will escape punishment. Because the surrendering soldiers had been slaughtered, Ten cried and confessed that it was impossible for them to do so.
Since for punishing Kanki and his troops, it won’t be Shin, as Qin’s King Ei Sei is on hand to do it.
When Kanki’s troops observed an army approaching, they headed to the HQ to inform Kanki of their findings after nine days. As they follow Morron, he warns them that Kanki is nearby and that a large army is closing in on their camp. For some reason, Marron believes that the entire army is on his side.
Marron was told by the messenger that the army was discussing weird topics.
The release date for Kingdom Chapter 698
When Kingdom Chapter 698 is released in 2021 it will be November 8th. The messenger informs that it is the King’s Army, and Marron becomes frightened. Since the manga keeps postponing new chapters, Kingdom Manga will not take a vacation this year. On Saturday, the latest chapter was released in other nations. Let’s take a look at the Kingdom Chapter 698 official facts and news before the next fight begins.
It’s possible to read the entire Kingdom Chapter 698 in its entirety online.
Kingdom Chapter 698 is available online in several formats. The latest chapter of Kingdom Manga has not yet been made available on the manga’s official websites. Fans can acquire spoilers early each week from numerous sources, or they can wait until Saturday or Sunday for the main chapter to be released. Until Kingdom-Chapter 698 comes out, we can meet up.