Continuing the war between the Three Deities, Tokyo Revengers Chapter 230 introduces Senju and South against Mikey and Kakuchou. After observing the Legendary Dynamic Duo being punished, the chief of BRAHMAN Senju has chosen to join the conflict. Takemichi was afraid of Senju, so she decided to let Waka and Benkei take care of South while she stayed behind to protect herself.
In order to punish South on her own, Senju rejects the offer. As soon as Mikey entered the park, Tokyo Revengers began reporting on the fight. The BRAHMAN and Rokuhara’s troops are on the ground as South vs. Senju begins in the latest episode of Tokyo Revengers.
On the other side, Kokuchou emerges in front of Mikey after defeating all of the soldiers in front of him. He informed Mikey that he was present and that it was unfair that Mikey was merely seeing the battle without participating in it himself. As a result of Draken’s death, Kokuchou informs Mikey that this brawl is not the Mikey he knows, and that he can’t just sit and watch.
It doesn’t matter to Mikey because Kokuchou is right in front of him, so he can watch. In an interview, Kokuchou admits that he’s been eagerly anticipating the day he’ll face Mikey. The battle between Mikey and Kokuchou is about to commence. Senju confronts South, who is topless and flexing his muscles, as the others watch on. A concerned Takeomi warns Senju that it is too early to become involved in the fight.
Waka and Benkei can take care of South, and she doesn’t need to get her hands filthy. Since this bout occurred before its scheduled date, Senju claims that she was unprepared. In order to save her own life, Senju knows that she must first destroy South.
Previously, on Chapter 229 of Tokyo Revengers
Despite her best efforts, she misses the mark with a soaring kick. No matter how hard he tried, South could not knock Senju out. South turns to face Senju as she drops on the ground behind him. She believes that Senju underestimated Waka and Benkei, and that she will lose to South. For him, BRAHMAN’s foundation is built on the Dynamic Duo. Takingomi’s lack of faith in Senju’s abilities puzzles Takemichi.
Because of First Gen Black Dragon’s backing, Takeomi explains how Senju became a Three Deity. It is impossible for Senju to battle alone, and she needs the help of Waka and Benkei. It dawns on Takemichi that this could have a negative impact on Senju. Takeomi regrets starting the fight, but Senju can retreat for the time being. Despite
South’s warnings, Senju was able to get away in time. An huge punch was his goal. It dawns on Senju that she has been concealing her true strength, and Takeomi is unaware of this. In Takeomi’s mind, Senju is no match for Benkei and Waka in terms of strength. While the gang members were stunned by the tremendous onslaught, South was speared by Senju.
Senju kicked South in the face many times while holding his hand and kicking him in the air. Senju’s punching bag has become a target for Takeomi, who is astonished. Rokuhara men on the ground were awakened fast by the sight of their boss being beaten. He was about to trust Takeomi until he informed him about Senju. Takemichi, on the other hand, is astonished. Despite South’s best efforts, he is fighting like a man with an overstuffed sack over his face, unable to see what he is hitting because of his inability to hit accurately close to his body.
Release date for Tokyo Revengers Chapter 230
It will be released on November 10, 2021, for Tokyo Revengers 230. Takeomi sees that Senju is on a completely other level than he or she was before. When Takeomi found out about Senju’s talents, she would have taken the incorrect road because she would have known that Senju would take care of everything. It is revealed that the BRAHMAN’s boss is Senju, who was KO’d by South. The fight continues in the next episode when Senju’s actual strength is revealed. Look at the official details of Tokyo Revengers Chapter 230
Chapter 230 – Raw Details – of Tokyo Revengers is Now Available Online!
Tokyo Revengers Chapter 230 will be available for online reading on additional platforms. The official chapters of Tokyo Revengers have not yet been made available online. However, Tokyo Revengers spoilers from the most recent episode have surfaced. Manga aficionados can turn to a variety of websites to get their hands on the latest issue. You and I will meet at the release of Tokyo Revengers Chapter 230.