The infamous battle between the deities of two major criminal gangs in Tokyo, as well as the fight between Mikey and Kakucho, will almost certainly be portrayed in the upcoming issue of the popular manga “Tokyo Revengers,” according to the comic’s creator.
The most recent instalment of Ken Wakui’s “Tokyo Revengers,” titled “Go Easy On,” provided details on the ongoing street brawl between the Rokuhara Tandai, Brahman, and Kantou Manji gangs, which is now underway. In the beginning of the chapter, Kakucho arrived at Mikey’s residence. He even told the boss of the Kantou Manji gang that he would not be able to remain on the sidelines any longer.
Meanwhile, Brahman’s top dog, Senju, was looking south of Rokuhara Tandai, facing the direction of the south. In an attempt to persuade his younger sister not to fight South, Takeomi went so far as to assure her that she could put her trust in him, Benkei, and Waka to defeat the gang boss. Despite the fact that the vast majority of spectators believe Senju, notably Takemichi, is incapable of dealing with South, it appears that they are incorrect.
Senju was swift and surprised the fans by scoring a slew of hits on South in a short period of time. South was knocked out and left unconscious on the ground after Senju delivered a series of crucial blows to knock him out. Senju, on the other hand, revealed her true strength and ability throughout this bout. According to the most recent chapter, Takeomi also stated that Senju was given the moniker Three Deities as a result of the first generation of Black Dragons’ assistance.
In the next episode 230 of “Tokyo Revengers,” the fight between Mikey and Kakucho will most likely take place. Kakucho is the former right-hand man and one of the Heavenly Kings of the Tenjiku gang, which is led by Izana. He is also a former member of the Tenjiku gang. He is now serving as a member of the executive committee of Rokuhara Tandai.
Severe comparisons have been made between his strength and that of Izana. While many fans are unclear of Kakucho’s current power, it is possible that he will not be able to defeat Mikey easy. It’s extremely likely that he had to defeat Kokonoi first before taking on Mikey in the fight. This battle may be presented in greater detail in the following chapter.
Meanwhile, spoilers for the upcoming episode will most likely be released online between Friday and Monday, depending on the source. Readers should be able to access the raw scans for the chapter at any point between Monday and Tuesday. On November 10th, the 230th episode of “Tokyo Revengers” will be broadcasted on TBS. The manga is published by the Japanese company Kodansha.