Haikyuu!! It is a beloved sports anime with a devoted following, and its fifth season is one of the most sought-after releases in Japan. Haruichi Furudate is the man behind the series’ writing and art. Sadly, no official announcement has been made about Haikyuu!! Season 5.
Season 4 of Haikyuu!! It will be released on that date in the year 2021. Season 5 is expected to take longer than Season 4 to arrive, according to many fans.
The Coronavirus outbreak forced the cancellation of Season 4. As previously mentioned, the 25th episode of Haikyuu!! Season 4 was published on December 19, 2020. The anime’s fourth season comes to an end with this episode.
There’s no word yet on whether or not HaiKyuu!! Season 5 will be released, but “Looking forward to the continuation,” read the tweet from the anime Twitter account. They also expressed their gratitude to the “Haikyu!! animation team for their continuing hard work” in the post they published.
The anime series has broken several records. Over 50 million copies of Haikyu!! Were in circulation as of November 2020. The manga, as well as the anime, have been well-received.
The high school volleyball team and relationships are the focus of HaiKyuustory. Although ShyHinata is short, he is motivated to be an excellent volleyball player, the plot’s primary focus. It also discusses the relationships between the characters, such as friendships and rivalries.
Haikyuu!! Having missed an early opportunity to score a point, Hinata appears frustrated and out of control at the end of Season 4.
‘I’ll never set the ball for you again,’ says TobioKageyama after Hinata does it again during a match. Though it wasn’t apparent to Kageyama, something had clicked in Hinata after he saw KoraiHoshiumi’s incredible jump.
Haikyuu!! It would be interesting to see in Season 5 how Hinata improves her volleyball skills by attending Karasuno High School and even making it to nationals. It might also have a brand-new plotline.
Reddit user predicts that “Season 5 should be devoted to the Nekoma match, and it should be far shorter than the current season.
This match might have a total of nine episodes. The Mujinazaka/Fukurodani battle might be added towards the conclusion to bring the episode total up to about 11-12.”
As of this writing, no firm date has been set for the release of Haikyuu!! Season 5. This is likely because the coronavirus pandemic hasn’t ended yet. Keep an eye on Devdiscourse for more information about the anime series.