Productions. Based on Hitomi Iruma’s novels, Sakura Adachi is a high school student who frequently skips class to pass the time by sitting upstairs in the school gym.
It so happens that she meets Hougetsu Shimamura, a fellow absentee student. These two met and started playing ping-pong together. They end up being great friends.
They both come to their senses and decide to go back to school. As a result of these encounters, Adachi finds it difficult to communicate her true sentiments to Shimamura, who views Adachi as nothing more than a buddy.
Fans have been wondering since the end of the first season in October 2020 if the anime will return for another.
Three factors usually determine the likelihood of an anime sequel:
Here’s what I found out in three sections, and I’ll let you know if you can count on an announcement for Adachi to Shimamura Season 2 in 2022.
Adachi to Shimamura: Is there enough content for a second season?
Today, most anime is produced to adapt to another medium, such as manga, light novels, or video games.
Adachi To Shimamura’s inspiration came from a light novel. We have to see how many volumes are currently available, how many have been adapted in the previous season, and whether or not the series is still running.
There may be a few volumes available now. As with Redo of Healer Season 2, an ongoing series has a better possibility of earning a sequel.
Adachi To Shimamura currently has nine volumes of light novels available in Japan. Rui Tsukiyo’s light novel series is still running strong, with new books coming out roughly every 6-8 months, with the final one due out on October 10th, 2020.
There is good news for the anime series with the active distribution of the novel. Mani has also created a manga adaptation, which has been published in Square Enix’s Gangan Online Magazine since April 2016.
Considering that the first four volumes of the Adachi To Shimamura manga were adapted for the show’s first season, we now have enough content for another 12-episode season. The series is still doing strong, which bodes well for a sequel possibility.
Before you go any further, you should know that the vast majority of anime produced nowadays is done to help promote and increase the sales of the original work (in this case, a light novel).
Their primary source of income comes from the sales of the golden book and merchandise, with advertising payments, internet streaming licensing, and Blu-ray sales serving as supplements.
The series’ popularity has grown both in Japan and the United States.
This section will examine how popular the series is and how much its popularity boosted manga and anime adaptations. If you want to see how successful a light novel was in the first place, look at its official social media handles, MyAnimeList and other ranks.
The novel of a Light Tone
Even before the anime debuted, the Adachi To Shimamura was a well-known character among Yuri fans, and its fame only grew after the series began airing.
Multiple volumes of the light novel were among Oricon’s Top Ten Weekly Sales rankings while the anime series aired, boosting sales. In addition, the story has seen reprints of various volumes since November.
Adachi and Shimamura have a popularity ranking of #2999 on MyAnimeList with a user rating of 7.15 and a total of roughly 42k members. IMBD, on the other hand, had a rating of 6.1 for the show.
Anime fans in Japan flocked to sites like D-Anime Store and AbemaTv to view the series, which was one of the most popular in the country during the Winter 2021 season Episode 1 of NicoVideo, Japan’s version of YouTube and the most prominent video hosting site, received 449k views and 16k comments, while the last episode garnered 98k views and 18k words. The most recent episode of D-Anime Store drew 8.5k viewers.