“Scissor Seven” is an animated series about an amnesiac bounty hunter named Seven who is terrible at his profession and frequently goes after the incorrect person in his murder assignments. As a hairdresser by day to pay back his loan, he urgently tries to reclaim his memories.
The humorous hero’s desire to retrieve his lost past frequently puts him in risky situations, but he always manages to escape thanks to his mediocre skills. The funny antics of the assassin have delighted audiences throughout the world since it debuted on April 25, 2018.
For its humorous and compelling plot, the action-packed series has established a devoted global fan base. What will happen now that the third season has come to an end? Fans have been left wondering. If you’re wondering the same thing, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered.
The release date for Scissor Seven Season 4
Season 3 of ‘Scissor Seven’ debuted on Netflix on October 3, 2021, in its entirety. The third season is divided into ten episodes, each lasting between 16 and 20 minutes.
The cartoon series first aired in China on Bilibili, Tencent Video, Youku, iQIYI, and Sohu Video from January to May 2021 before being released internationally on the streaming giant’s service.
Here’s all we know about the upcoming fourth season of the show. People and companies involved in earlier editions haven’t acknowledged the series’ fourth season has been renewed officially.
The cartoon series’ future is highly dependent on how well it does domestically, where it has performed remarkably well in recent years. The positive ratings and reviews in the West and elsewhere in the world are now an added incentive.
Even though it’s still too early to tell whether or not viewers outside of China will enjoy season three, the final episode closes on a cliffhanger with Seven still suffering from the effects of black ice poison, which is slowly deleting his memories weakening him.
The ambiguous ending reveals the makers’ eagerness to produce a second season, which is understandable given the show’s rapidly expanding global fan base and outstanding ratings. This list nearly guarantees that the animated series will be renewed for another season.
Unless the show is renewed soon, it will most likely premiere in China in 2022. The wait for international fans, on the other hand, maybe lengthy.
It used to take six months on average for the Chinese animated series to be released in the United States. Based on this information, season 4 of ‘Scissor Seven’ is likely to begin airing internationally in the early part of 2023.
What Could the Plot of Season 4 of Scissor Seven Be?
Thirteen wakes up in tears in the season 3 finale after having an upsetting dream about her life. Before she has a chance to reflect on her past, she discovers that Seven has gone missing.
In an instant, she consciously decides to protect her friend by going on the hunt for him. Sadly, Seven is already in critical condition when she locates him. The protagonist fights back as the black ice poison takes away his treasured memories and makes him weaker.
Seven appears to be no match for shadow assassin Manjusaka, as well as Shimen and Blackbird, who are out to eliminate him. As Manjusaka watches on, Blackbird engages in a bloody duel.
Thirteen defeats the adversary with the might of the Thousand Demon Daggers, which more than compensates for the disparity in their skills.
Seven is in a precarious position because of the rapid spread of the black ice poison. It took him a long time to get used to life on Chicken Island and make friends.
If the protagonist loses all of their memories, the future looks bleak. It’s also not apparent what Manjusaka and Shimen will do now that Thirteen has defeated Blackbird in a titanic battle.
The future season will most certainly address these two points, and viewers will be hoping that Seven can escape the worst of the effects of the black ice poison to start his comic antics all over again.