Sandrovich Yabago’s action-packed martial arts manga series Kengan Omega, with art by Daromeon, returns this week with Chapter 131, continuing the battle between Asura Tokita Ohma of the Kengan Association.
Rolon Donaire, also known as “The Monster of Manila.” Because both teams are deadlocked at 2-2, the championship game’s outcome will determine which club advances to the next round.
Fighting Rolon Donaire versus Tokita Ohma on a whole new level has piqued fans’ interest, who are eager to see the Filipino’s tremendous maneuvers against the Japanese opponent, who only just took his first hit in the previous chapter. The question is, can Ohma come back against Rolon, or will Rolon maintain his lead in the match?
Kengan Omega Chapter 131: Everything you Need to Know.
Date of Publication for Kengan Omega Chapter 131: April 15th, 2019
The fight between Tokita Ohma and Rolon Donaire gets underway in the previous chapter of Kengan Omega, but it moves slowly as both fighters set their stances.
The analysts are watching to observe how one player responds to the other.
Neither Rolon nor Ohma adopted the Silat position, but it appears as though the Kengan Association’s captain is merely standing.
Rolon lashes out with a barrage of punches, but Ohma deftly avoids them all. Kano Agito says that Ohma can foresee the “inception of intent” before expressing it in words.
In contrast, Rolon can smack Ohma in the face before launching into a quick succession of body attacks and throwing him to the ground with a solid elbow to the stomach.
In response to Ohma’s statement, Rolon says he commends him for getting to that point, but he doesn’t care.
This chapter has big spoilers: Takakaze Kirimi looks astonished that Kuroki Gensai couldn’t defeat Rolon Donaire when the branch opens. Chapter 131 is now available. He and Gensai watch Rolon battle it out in the arena, and Gensai comments on how far Rolon has come.
When we return to the current day, Rolon is still attacking Gensai, and Ohma is doing his best to anticipate Rolon’s moves to avoid being hit, but Rolon is outwitting him.
To counter Ohma’s techniques, Kaplan Wong-Sawat says that you have to strike faster than Ohma predicts, but Rolon doesn’t move quickly and still manages to hit Ohma.
Rolon has figured out Kanoh Agito’s method. Rolon is also forecasting the emergence of motive. Lihito and Misasa are taken aback, and Okubo quips that their fight is a game of predictions, and Rolon is winning because he is better at making predictions than Ohma.