It was Senku who invented the camera and launched the satellite to keep an eye on Medusa. Can he use Dr Stone Chapter 215’s latest invention to locate Why-Man on the moon?
The Search for Medusa’s Aftermath
After the Medusa tragedy, Senku and his friends have a lot to investigate. They’ve now got all the answers to their questions, so they turn their attention to the events that followed.
It’s unclear at this point, according to Epic Dope, who’s behind the activation. Fans of the manga appear to have taken notice of Ukyo now.
Despite his best efforts, it appears that Ukyo intends to do something extreme if things go according to plan. Do we now know he’s Why-double Man’s agent?
What will happen in Dr Stone Chapter 215 and the following chapters if he succeeds in saving everyone? It’s just a matter of time before things heat up for Why-Man supporters as the team gets ready to search for him on the moon.
The Apollo 11 Mission to the Moon
According to The News Fetcher, preparations for the start of the moon voyage are nearly complete.
To begin their job, Senku and the others only need to locate Why-Man.
They’ve now acquired everything they’ll need to build a satellite of their own. After that, the only issue will be how to get the satellite into geosynchronous orbit around the Earth.
However, recognizing Senku’s prowess in this area, he devises a plan of attack.
Viewers may see the construction process up close in the upcoming chapter.
Can Senku now find Why-Man using the satellite? Will Why-identity Man’s been revealed to the public at any point?
What’s new in Chapter 214?
News reports that in Dr Stone Chapter 214, Suika begins to ponder about the size of the moon. When they gazed up at the sky and saw the size of the moon, Kohaku thought it was simply a small thing.
Once this information was divulged, Kohaku explained what the residents of Ishigami Village had stated about the moon. At this point, Gen brought up Medusa, saying that if he messed with it, then bad things were likely to happen.
The crew began to think a ruse was being perpetrated against them. Fortunately, he was not successful.
Chelsea was perplexed about how this was possible, as she had taken Gen to be a genuine detective. The crew spent some time discussing how to deal with the Medusa.
Dr Stone Chapter 215 will be released on the 24th of October and will reveal what occurs next.