The second season of “Dr. Stone,” a Japanese animated series, ended in March, and the final arc has just begun. Based on the Japanese manga series of the same name, the show premiered on TMS Entertainment in July. Senku Ishigami, a brilliant young scientist, wants to revive society after being frozen for 3,700 years due to an unknown cause.
In addition to Toonami, the anime was broadcast on several other channels, including BS 11, KBS, MX, and SUN. The manga anime series “Dr. Stone” has a devoted fanbase due to its intriguing futuristic premise, and the release of the third season has generated a lot of buzz.
‘Dr. Stone’ returned for a second season in early 2021 after a two-year hiatus. According to Gizmo Story, the Japanese anime series will return for a third season in the summer of 2022, if reports are to be believed.
Dr. Stone season 3 has also gotten a teaser trailer. It follows then that fans will be treated to a glimpse into the series’ seafaring exploits in the forthcoming season.
Season 3 of “Dr. Stone” has yet to be officially announced. Even so, with the teaser already out, the official release is only a matter of time.
The cast and most of the characters from “Dr. Stone” will return. Senku and Taiju will be portrayed by Yusuke Kobayashi and Makoto Furukawa in the Japanese adaptation. For the English dub, Aaron Dismuke will play Senku, while Ricco Fajardo takes on the role of Taiju.
The other characters in the English dub will be portrayed by Felecia Angelle, Brandon McInnis, and Brittany Lauda. The Japanese version will feature Manami Numakura, Ayumu Murase, and Gen Sato. New characters and voice performers are on the way, although they haven’t been confirmed just yet.
According to Alpha News Call, “Dr. Stone” season 3 will be based on the manga series’ chapter Age of Exploration. Senku and his companions set sail for the seven seas, searching for answers to the evil that has befallen humanity. It will be revealed in Season 3 if they are successful in saving humans.
The series’ central mystery revolves around Senku’s discovery that someone on the moon he has dubbed the “Why-Man” was the source of the petrification. From what the public has seen, it’s clear that the mystery is getting closer to being solved every day.
This week’s release of Chapter 212 of the series heralds the start of the series’ final arc. The “Final Part: Stone to Space” hook has Senku and the rest of the world preparing to make a space mission to meet the Why-Man on the moon and learn why they were petrified in the first place. When the chosen three set out on their historic mission, the final mystery of the series will be revealed in due course.
As of October 3rd, the show will be on a short break. For the time being, they won’t be releasing a new chapter to allow Inagaki and Boichi to continue their investigation. So the series’ climactic arc returns to its original path on October 10th with Chapter 213.
As fans have seen throughout the last few angles, Senku and the others have traveled the world to gather the resources and labor force needed for such a vast project.