Chapter 1029 of the popular manga series One Piece has been delayed, disappointing fans throughout the world. However, a new publishing date has been announced.
The showrunner of the upcoming One Piece live-action series, Steven Maeda, arrived in Cape Town for production this week, revealing further details about the project.
Fans of the legendary franchise will have a quiet weekend, though, since it has been confirmed that both the manga and anime releases have been postponed.
What are the reasons for the delay in releasing chapter 1029, and when can we expect One Piece to resume its weekly release schedule?
One-Piece Chapter 1029 has been postponed because of technical difficulties.
Weekly, Shonen Jump has delayed the release of chapter 1029. Therefore there will be no new One Piece chapter this weekend.
No one from the Wall Street Journal’s editorial staff or One Piece’s production crew has provided an official explanation for the delay.
On the other hand, the popular series has a practice of taking short vacations every five chapters or so to give writer Oda time to streamline each chapter while also giving him some well-deserved time away from writing.
Although the most recent delay is not caused for concern, when will chapter 1029 be released?
On Sunday, October 24th, at 9 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), Viz Media will release One Piece Chapter 1029 worldwide.
The following international times will see the release of new English-language chapters:
9 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time
Noon Eastern Daylight Time
5 p.m. British Summer Time (BST)
6 p.m. Central European Summer Time
Time Zone Difference: IST (Indian Standard Time)
Philippine Daylight Time (PHT): noon.
Australian Central Standard Time (AEST): 1.30 a.m.
Even if no spoilers have been published yet, this is to be expected given the delay in releasing the next episode.
On Wednesday, October 20th, the first raw scan leaks from the chapter are expected to start circulating online; this post will be updated as a result.