Kengan Omega Chapter 131 begins with Tokita Ohma, Tiger’s Vessel’s heir, facing off against Lolong Donaire. Ohma is preparing to KO Lolong. Kengan Omega has only just gotten into it with Omega.
This is an intriguing encounter because the winner of this competition will be determined in the final clash. The chapter opens with Ohma and Lolong squaring off in the middle of the page.
Now is Ohma’s chance to show his mettle. We learned that Lolong believes this is the end of the world in the most recent Kengan Omega Chapter. “The title of King” is the name of the first chapter in the book. Long, on the other hand, is reputed to be Purgatory’s most formidable inhabitant.
Okubo Naoya and Goalangwongsawat were among the fighters who took to the stage to share their thoughts on the match. While their opponent provides his thoughts on this fight, the Tiger Vessel prepares to face the Monster of Manila.
Even an A-list gladiator is subordinate to Lolomg Donaire, who is revealed to be King of Purgatory. However, the King will only be dethroned by the most formidable of opponents.
It’s clear that the King is a cut above the B, C, and D lists, and Gaolang has some familiarity with the reign of Lolong the King Donaire.
Lolong Donaire had to combat Kuroki Gensai for several years, which was the most challenging thing he’d ever had to do. Even so, not one of them was able to finish their opponent.
Lolong Donaire has 422 victories under his belt and has never lost a fight. Takeshi, on the other hand, has a far lower figure. It seems as if Misasa and Julius are about to be crushed under the weight of this Monster, and they fear that Ohma will be the one to do it to them. What remains to be seen is whether or not Ohma will overcome his limitations and defeat the King.
Chapter 130 of Kengan Omega was previously published.
After learning that the strongest would be saved for last, this had shocked the entire stadium. Even if several combatants appear to be backing away, they worried about Ohma’s talents going into the fight.
Only Rihito, on the other hand, seems unconcerned with Lolong’s abilities or physique, given that they have never defeated him. They made a solemn promise: Kengan’s Captain would never lose again.
Three of them remained in the room until the very end—Ryo, Kaeda, and Suekichi. They’ve come to terms with the fact that they have to put their faith in Ohma and believe in him. The main event has officially begun with Ohma vs. Lolong.
The stakes are high, especially for Toyoda and Nogi, who are betting on their preferred boxers. Ref Shin Alisa was getting ready when she gave the order to start.
Shin Alisa is determined to see this through to the end, even though the muscle refs believe it is inappropriate for a woman to conduct such a contest.
Both boxers had taken their fighting stances and were ready to exchange punches. Oh, and Lolong engaged in combat at a distance, indicating that this fight would begin slowly yet feature big blows. Ohma measures 182cm and weighs 83 kg, whereas Lolong weighs 180 cm and weighs 84 kg.
However, this surprises both the commentators and the audience as they look at each other without exchanging a single word. They’re stunned.
There’s a good chance that both of them were reading the other’s minds before exchanging blows. While Lolong appears to be a dangerous opponent, Ohma has remained the same. Because of Lolong’s viewpoint, Koga was curious about what she had discovered.
It’s called the Silaty Stance. Koga, Misasa, and Jurota all chimed in, as well. Ohma dodges a large barrage while standing still and just turning his head to avoid Lolong’s unexpected attack.
Chapter 131 of Kengan Omega is scheduled to be released on April 16th.
On October 21st in the year 2021, Kengan Omega-Chapter 131 will be released. Before the fight even started, Agito described how Ohma had survived those hits.
Carlos Medel noted that Ohma has advanced to a new level, something he never achieved during his peak. A single blow has not hit home.
However, we witnessed Ohma being knocked out cold by Lolong’s rage. Even though Lolong was aware that Ohma had attained this state, it didn’t bother him in the least. Here are the quick spoilers for Kengan Omega Chapter 131.