The manga series Jujutsu Kaisen has reached a new level, with each new chapter being released every week. The weekly publication of new chapters has stoked the anticipation for the start of the Culling Games.
There will be no weekly break in October because the Manga focuses on the mysteries behind the Culling Game. We’ll look at a few items leading up to the Culling Game and the newest Manga schedule before diving deep into the main release.
In previous chapters, characters like Yuuji met with Hakari and Kirara to discuss the Culling Games and sought their assistance. When Hakari suspected that Jujustu High sent the trio to expose his legitimate martial arts combat company, it erupted into a battle.
As the dust settled, they all agreed to work together in the future. As a result of this, Kogane has announced the release of The Culling Game. Just before they jump into the barrier, Yuuji and the others talk strategy; by taking part in this game, you can assist the team in rescuing Satoru.
They also learned about the participants and assessed their overall strength. Hakari also found out that Megumi is the Zenin Clan’s next chief and will succeed Hakari.
That sparked a lot of creative thinking because he wanted his firm to grow, and he promised the trio that in return for their assistance, he would ask for favours in return.
When they get to the barrier, he gives them instructions on what to do. Although no one will be guarding the entry, Kirara must remain outside and watch things. Take a peek at the Manga’s October Release Dates listed below.
Schedule for the October issue of Jujutsu Kaisen Manga
Jujutsu Kaisen will be released four times this month because a new chapter is posted every week on their official channels. This has been an exciting month for manga readers because the Manga’s chapter had progressed nicely, and the truth about the Culling Games and Satoru’s sealing will soon be revealed.
Every Sunday, you may watch Jujutsu Kaisen, and in the coming chapters, we’ll learn more about the mystery behind the new games that have just begun.
The Manga will keep to its timetable, but we know there won’t be a break now that the chapter has returned from its weekly hiatus.
The battles from the previous chapters will be included, but a new branch will be released in the next few days, so stay tuned. See what Jujustukaisen has in store for the rest of October by reading on.
Chapter 164 of Jujutsu Kaisen will be available on that day in the year 2021.
The chapters that will be released in the following months will be followed by those already released. Even though the Manga’s calendar year will be over in three months, there may be a few weeks where there are no new chapters because the last two months of the year will be short on story material.
In the event of a delay, Jujutsu Kaisen will operate on a Friday schedule until its Sunday program. We don’t expect more than eight chapters in the following two months, which will conclude in 2021 because the Manga is becoming less attractive due to breaks. Remember that fewer than eight chapters will remain in the Manga at the end of this year.
With a new chapter about to be released, things will heat up in the coming year. The barrier struggle will be revealed in the next chapter, and we’ll learn a lot from it.
Meanwhile, the portion that fans have been anticipating is about to arrive, which is exciting, so not having them around will disappoint. We may expect a weekly hiatus every one to two months. Therefore the Manga will only release three chapters every three weeks in months three weeks.
Only one branch of the Manga was released this month, which means that the remaining chapters will be released one after the other without interruption.
The following month’s schedule will be different, but fans will anticipate it because of this. For those who can’t wait that long, raw leaks and spoilers will be available seven days before the next chapter is released for those who are interested.
The Manga’s most recent updates and what fans might expect in the last three chapters were included in the October schedule. By providing this information, readers will better understand the Manga and how to get it online since some may not know where to go to acquire the current chapter or updates.