In Kingdom Chapter 694, a battle breaks out between Kanki and Kouchou’s armies, igniting their enmity. The Kingdom has been at war since Kanki announced his plan to behead Kouchou.
Kanki’s strategy to scare away 10,000 soldiers worked, and Kochou’s warrior army of 240 would face Kanki’s 80 thousand-strong unit, according to the most current chapter of the Kingdom.
He had a feeling this was going to be the outcome all along. It was Kanki’s wish that everything would go smoothly in the war. It began when Kochou obstructed his path through Ousen’s forces as he attempted to pass through them. Since the beginning of the battle, Kanki has been pursuing Kouchou’s lead by utilizing various techniques.
Kouchou’s soldiers persuaded him to go after seeing how easily the enemy had it, and as a result, the enemy was able to break through the second line of defense.
However, the HQ soldiers could not evacuate in time, and Kouchou’s victory would have been assured had they done so. They were lost and had no choice but to run because they thought they were confronting 5,000 on the right.
As Kanki is aware of the right, they opt for the left, falling victim to their delusion in the process. They were taken prisoner by Kanki’s left, entangling Kouchou’s forces.
Kochou gathered a hundred of his men and told them to accompany him into battle. There were 200 new members in Kanki’s family, and they had the same level of power as the Zenou clan. Kanki feels confident that his men have what it takes to beat Kouchou’s army.
Although his warriors had chopped down Kouchou’s men, one of them had made it to Kanki. Kanki dodged the soldier’s attack and drew him closer.
In the eyes of the soldier, he called the latter a coward. According to Kouchou’s soldiers, Kanki never shows actual emotion in her eyes.
When can we expect the release of Chapter 694?
Kingdom Chapter 694 will be released on October 3, 2021, a Sunday. Kingdom’s next chapter will reveal Kouchou’s mystery without pausing the book.
The most recent Kingdom spoilers were made public before Sunday’s publication of the new branch. The war between Kanki and Kochou’s forces will be over if Kouchou succeeds in his mission in the following chapter.
Please join us for the publication of the manga Kingdom on Sunday, April 14. Although the official Kingdom manga website is presently down, new chapters will be available this weekend.