The conflict between Kanki and Kouchou’s warriors begins in Kingdom Chapter 694. Since Kanki’s plot to behead Kouchou, the Kingdom has been engaged in a duel. Kanki’s plan to make ten thousand soldiers flee successfully and Kochou’s warrior army of two hundred and forty would face an army of eighty thousand from Kanki’s unit in the most recent Kingdom Chapter.
He was prepared for the worst. Kanki went into battle with full confidence that the outcome would be as he had predicted. In an attempt to go around Ousen’s army, Kochou got in the way. Since the beginning of the conflict, Kanki has been pursuing Kouchou’s head with strategies.
After seeing that they were being overwhelmed, the adversaries broke through the second line of defense, and Kouchou’s troops advised him to retreat.
Kouchou’s victory would have been assured had the troops at the HQ not been able to flee in time. They became disoriented and believed they were up against 5,000 people to the right, so they had no choice but to flee.
Instead of going right, they decide to walk left because they believe Kanki is unaware of the trap. The rest of Kouchou’s men joined him in the pit, but Kanki’s soldiers stood in their way.
Kochou dispatched a hundred soldiers, and he ordered them to follow him. There are 200 new family members in Kanki’s group, and they are as powerful as the Zenou clan.
Kanki feels confident that he can defeat Kouchou’s soldiers with the help of his men. One of Kouchou’s men made it to Kanki even though his forces had slashed through Kouchou’s ranks.
Kanki was able to deflect the soldier’s strike and drew him closer. His gaze fell on the soldier’s, and he branded him a coward. The troops of Kouchou observe that Kanki’s eyes never appear to be in pain.
On Kingdom 693 previously.
To determine whether Kanki’s eyes were indeed more terrifying than Kochou’s, the soldier decided to investigate. As he learned more about the other soldiers, the soldier decided to take a chance. He thinks his eyes aren’t scary, so he plans to murder Kanki.
Instead of circling Kouchou, Kanki’s men focus on the other Kouchou in the mirror, which confuses them. When Kouchou realized he would die, he talked to Kanki about the soldiers he was willing to give his life for.
Instead of questioning how he did it, Kouchou learns that killing a villain makes him a hero, whereas offering his troops as ransom makes him a coward.x
So what if it’s all come back to bite him in the end? Kouchou, on the other hand, speaks in sleepy words that put him to sleep. Kouchou rejects this, claiming that Kanki is naive since he never leaves the shadows.
The two had a brief verbal exchange during which Kanki accuses Kouchou of being shallow because of the way he speaks. There is no rock bottom in deep darkness, and that emptiness is what weakens him.’ Those who do not experience pain, says Kanki, are weaklings who will never appreciate the complexity of agony.
Kouchou responds with a laugh, saying that he believes Kanki is similar to him. There are significant differences between them, and people like Kouchou are naive, responds Kanki.
‘Kanki would always see it that way,’ Kouchou says in response. He pulls out his sword, aims it at him, and declares that he will die first, leaving Radio to welcome Kanki with a drink.
Kanki was taken aback by her terror. The soldier isn’t sure if Kouchou is ready to end his own life or commit suicide. The chapter concludes with Kouchou prepared for death because he cannot allow Kanki to behead him.
Chapter 694 of Kingdom: When Will It Be Released?
Kingdom On Sunday, October 3rd, 2021, we’ll release Chapter 694. There will be no pause in the manga, and the mystery surrounding Kouchou will be solved in the next chapter of Kingdom.
The most recent Kingdom spoilers were leaked before Sunday’s publication of the next chapter. If Kochou pierces himself in the following chapter, the fight between Kanki’s and Kochou’s troops will end.
Bring your friends, and we’ll get together this Sunday when Kingdom manga comes out. The official Kingdom manga website is currently down, but new chapters will be available this weekend.