Titled “The Deities Know Only Peace,” Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi tells the story of a titanic conflict between the titular gods and demons. The world was nearly destroyed eight hundred years ago when apocalyptic creatures unleashed havoc on the planet. Humans had no way of stopping them, so they prayed to the battle gods known as Idaten for assistance.
It was only a matter of time before the Zoble Empire was able to raise the demons from their graves and once again put humanity in danger. It’s a pity that the current Idaten generation is so blind to the atrocities of demonic rule. This group has the benefit of being taught how to fight by Rin, an ancient warrior who had survived an epic struggle hundred of years ago.
On this date in 2021, the anime adaptation of Amahara’s manga series of the same name aired for the first time. It was well-received by critics and spectators alike.
With each new episode, even if violence scared some people away, the show’s rating grew steadily. Season one concluded with a bang, and now viewers are eagerly anticipating what will transpire in season two. This is all we know about it as of right now:
When Will The Idaten Deities: Only Peace Know Season 2 Begin?
The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace’s first season aired on Fuji TV in Japan on July 23, 2007. The anime aired for 11 episodes before it concluded on October 1st, 2021. Writers Hiroshi Seko and Seimei Kidokoro headed up Studio MAPPA (‘Jujutsu Kaisen’), which produced the show.
However, no official announcement of the anime’s second season has yet been made. Here’s what we do know thus far. Any of the organizations involved in the development of ‘The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace,’ including MAPPA, have not yet formally renewed it. The show’s ratings rose from above-average to great during its 11-episode run.
This is good, but the lack of new episodes is the most significant roadblock to the show being renewed. To this day, even the most recent episodes of Narcos have been adapted from Amahara’s webcomics. It took the manga artist about 2.5 years to complete the first installment’s five volumes. Because of this, audience members’ excitement may fade quickly.
Due to the slow speed of manga publication in the future, there won’t be enough material until 2023 at the earliest if the current publication rate is maintained.
Even Nevertheless, the abrupt end of the show almost guarantees its revival in the future. In the fourth quarter of 2024, if not sooner, we should expect to see “The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace.”
The Idaten Deities: Season 2 Plot: Only Peace Is Aware of Them
It’s the conclusion of Season 1 as both Prontea and Ysley go in search of Miku and everyone else who managed to escape demon HQ during the attack. When Rin first encountered Oobami, he was baffled. After Ysley, Miku plans to get rid of at least one more member of his group before the game is over.
Following the completion of their daily tasks, Piscalat and Ysley decide to take a rest. Suddenly, in the middle of Piscalat’s bath, a familiar odor enters the room.
She’s well aware that she’ll be unable to move until she responds. As soon as Oobami is able to free herself from her hypnotic spell, she kidnaps Ysley and mutilates him.
In Zoble, the demons will make sure Cory is exactly like he was before he left. The demons took Paula, too, and they’ve been tormenting her ever since.
Prontea and his allies realize too late that they were taken completely by surprise by the assailants’ sudden appearance. In the final moments of the episode, Paula pleads with Rin for help after she has spent the entire episode trying in vain to locate her.