Kengan Omega, the popular martial arts manga series written by Sandrovich Yabago and illustrated by Daromeon, returns this week with Chapter 129, and fans are eager to watch the Kengan Association vs. Purgatory tournament’s final bout.
Now that Wakatsuki Takeshi and Fei Wangfang have fought, it’s Tokita Ohma and Rolon Donaire’s time, with the winner determining which side will win the tournament. This is regarded to be the match’s most important battle, and anything can happen. We may see more of Tiger Niko now that he’s on the loose.
Everything you need to know about Kengan Omega Chapter 129 is right here:
Spoilers for Kengan Omega 129
The fight between Wakatsuki Takeshi and Fang Wangfang in the previous edition of Kengan Omega concluded in a double knockdown, so the score between Kengan Association and Purgatory tournament is still tied.
With one bout remaining, the battle between Tokita Ohma and Rolon Donaire will determine who will win. The tournament was staged to see which group would be the first to absorb the other in their approaching merger.
Tiger Niko, who featured in the last chapter’s concluding scene, is likely to return. Rolon is expected to be the strongest fighter in the Purgatory tournament, therefore this might be a challenging encounter for Ohma, who only recently realized that he is the true Tiger’s Vessel after hearing it from Fei Wangfang, who is dying.
Raw scans haven’t been released yet, so there aren’t any huge spoilers, but we’ll update this post once the latest chapter is revealed.
Kengan Omega Chapter 129: When Will It Be Released?
Because Kengan Omega is a weekly manga, the English version of Chapter 129 is set to be released on Wednesday, October 6, 2021, at approximately 12:00 EST.
Kengan Omega Chapter 128 was released on the same schedule as Chapter 129 last week, so expect Chapter 129 to be released at the same time.
In Japan, the Ura Sunday magazine serializes Kengan Omega.
Kengan Omega Chapter 129 will be available on Kodansha Comics and Amazon Kindle for fans in North America. New chapter English translations are usually available within a day of the raw scans being released.