Hey everyone, the previous chapter of the book The Beginning Following The End has just been published and people are already eagerly anticipating Chapter 122, which is the following chapter.
This article will provide everything you should be aware of The Beginning After The Ende Chapter 122. We’ll also provide readers with up-to-date official and unofficial sources from which you can read the well-known manhua. Also, you should also read our article about Horimiya Season 2.
Release Date
Chapter 120 in Beginning After The End is set to release on September 24, 2021. In addition, a new chapter on solo leveling is scheduled to be released every Wednesday.
Since Solo Leveling is extremely popular, so its English versions of Manhwa will not take much time, and the translation will be released at the same time.
Release Time
As for our international readers, the official English translations for the most current chapter will be available on the next date and at the same time within these regions:
Pacific daytime time: 9 am on Wednesday, September 24, 2021
Critical daylight hours time: eleven am on Wednesday, September 24, 2021
Japanese daylight hours time: midday on Wednesday, September 24, 2021
British summer season: 5 pm on Wednesday, September 24, 2021
Raw Scans
Starting After the End of Chapter Raw scans of 122 will be available on the 24th of September the 24th, 2021, and 2021. The chapter’s official raw scans will be available on Tapas.io Official website.
The comic will be available in various languages such as Korean, Chinese, Japanese and also is also available in official English translations that are available the same day as the original scans.
King Grey has unparalleled strength as well as wealth and prestige in a world that is governed by combat skills. But, there is a sense of solitude in the shadows of those who have great power.
Behind the glamourous facade of an imposing king lies the man’s shell, lacking in purpose and determination.
Reborn into a new realm that is full of monsters and magic The king gets an opportunity to live his past. Resolving the mistakes of his past won’t be the only thing he must tackle but.
In the midst of the peace and abundance of the future, there is an undercurrent that threatens to take everything he’s done for, and rethinking his place in the world and the reason for his birth in the first place.