Primarily based on Hiroyuki’s Japanese manga series of the equal name, ‘female friend, girlfriend’ or ‘kanojo mo kanojo’ is a romantic comedy tv anime. The show follows Naoya Mukai, a teen who has the same opinion thus far as his classmate Nagisa despite the fact that he already has a lady friend named Sakai.
Not able to pick one between the two, he and Nagisa in the end control to convince saki for an unconventional 3-way dating this is at odds with the societal norms on relationship and love. The anime first premiered on July 3, 2021, and right here’s the whole thing you want to realize about its upcoming episode.
Release Date For Kanojo mo Kanojo Episode 7
‘kanojo mo kanojo’ episode 7, titled ‘the girlfriends’ venture,’ is slated to be most efficient on August 14, 2021, in Japan. It’ll air on Jan (MBS, tbs, bs-tbs) and at-x at numerous times. The anime is advanced by way of Tezuka productions, with satoshi Kuwahara helming the directorial crew.
Keiichirou oochi, Mayumi Morita, and Kazuhiko Mukai have worked on the scripts. The leader animation director Akiko Toyoda has designed the characters, whilst the music for the series is composed through Miki Sakurai and Katsuhiko saiki.
The opening theme tune, “fuzaketenaize,” is done by entry talkie, and the ending topic song, “pinky hook,” is sung via momo Asakura.
Spoilers For Kanojo mo Kanojo Episode 7
In episode 6, rika Hoshizaki continues to be a nuisance for saki, Naoya, and Nagisa. Irrespective of the hardships, she indicates no symptoms of giving up on her cussed preference to be the third lady friend.
Therefore, saki and Nagisa argue that it’ll be higher no longer to force her to leave however rather slowly make her recognize that pursuing Naoya is a lost cause. But Naoya has had enough, and just whilst rika goes to the convenience save, he makes a call to donate all of her belonging without her knowledge.
While Nagisa and saki fight him, he admits that he is afraid of falling for rika, who is gifted and lovely. Even though he had promised his first girlfriend by no means to permit her down, he nonetheless ended up -timing.
While he calls himself pathetic and weak for not being able to manage himself, the two girlfriends take into account that it might be higher to permit him to donate rika’s belonging and remove her since they cannot have enough money to let him have every other female friend.