Reddit Spoilers for Dr. Stone Chapter206 Watch Online
Due to its captivating storyline and unique concept, the most beloved and loved anime manga series is a huge fan favorite. The Weekly Shonen Jump Magzine is going to publish Dr. Stone Chater206.
This manga series is amazing. The Science Kingdom was stunned to learn that Ryusui had been relieved by Sai. They are delighted to have one million brains powerpoints on the lath. Gen wonders if Sai might become Ryusui’s big brother. Gen asks Ryusui why Ryusui doesn’t describe Sai anymore.
Gen was confused when Ryusui claimed that he was searching for Sai Nanami’s skills. Sai says that Ryusui said they were an average person and not wizards. He encouraged him to help with his plans. Ryusui was so bored with science principles that he didn’t let Sai leave him.
Ryusui asked Sai to design a traveling ship, course, and optimal track orders. Sai said that he was the programmer and knows what keys he must enter. Nanami Sai gave Nanamai Corp the opportunity to operate because they needed it.
After finishing the Nanami Corp, Ryusui’s designs, he makes an appearance at an Indian university. Sai is amazed by the amount of time it takes to make a machine out of this world made from stone. Senku estimates that it will take between 5-10 years. Sai is amazed at the fact that they allow him to continue to serve so many years.
Senku chatted regarding semiconductors. Sai can see how Senku was entangled in a universe without as many air pockets abacus.
Sai is amazed by the number of work scientists can do in this universe. Ryusui stated that Sai would like to be his own.
Dr. Stone Chapter 206 will publish on Monday, 9 August 2021. Weekly Shonen Jump will publish the chapter. The next chapter will reveal that the triad enters their home again. Sai claims that they can use code methods in order to reach the next use of this universe since it doesn’t have one.
Senku believes it is difficult to understand this stuff and sees the reason they call it a code. Sai hands the key to Dragon Quest over to his crew, and they are filled with joy. Senku recognizes Sai’s importance to his crew and informs him that the stone universe will create a computer. Let’s wait and see what happens next. Keep checking back.