New Release Date And Spoilers ‘Dr. Stone’ Chapter 206
Senku knows Stone World is eager to receive its first-ever computer. The dream of owning a computer will soon be realized, as they now have Sai Nanami, a genius.
Fans will have to wait until next week to see the wonder unfold in the Stone World, as “Dr. Stone Chapter 206” is not out. The manga is currently on a two-week break.
Chapter 206 of “Dr. Stone”, will be published on August 9. According to Anime News Network, the authors of Dr. Stone” manga, Riichirou and Boichirou Inagaki are currently on a research break.
“Dr. Stone” Chapter 206 will show Senku’s efforts to create the first computer within the Stone World. Sai is his computer programmer. Senku is thrilled that they will finally be able to use a computer.
Chapter 205 of “Dr. Stone” was opened by Ryusui, praising Sai for his incredible brainpower. Sai thought he exaggerated by making wild claims.
Ryusui ignored Chrome and the other children and said that he knew Sai well. He said that his brother had denied his mental abilities since he was four years old.
Ryusui shared an incident in which Sai multiplied long numbers rather than adding them. Sai, on the other hand, was upset because he felt that mental math was pointless. He observed how anyone could do what he could.