The show tells the story of Izuku Midoriya, who dreams to be a hero. In a world where greater than 80 percent of the population gained some uncanny abilities as a result of mysterious motives, Midoriya is one of the rarest who doesn’t possess any quirk. Since Hawks is not able to resist power-types, he gave complete support to Endeavor.
Still, the battle was tough, and people lost hope in anybody defeating the Nomu. In the middle of the panic, one young boy stood in front of the camera and encouraged everybody to trust Endeavor later showing them that his fires are still burning.
Also, since the trailer suggests, we’ll have to understand a full-on struggle between classes 1-A and 1-B in the Joint Training Arc. But, there’s a surprise element in the conflict.
You may remember Midoriya’s battle in the U.A. High Sports Festival against Hitoshi Shinso. Nonetheless, in the center of a battle, Midoriya will eliminate control of his skills, way worse than before, and it’ll risk the security of other pupils.
He’ll also use some mysterious power. A new threat will arrive, which is a lot worse compared to the heroes ver faced. Also, the Todoriki household is in store for a lot of drama.
Fans may find some updates regarding the arcs the new season will accommodate, in addition to the introduction of the Paranormal Liberation Army. There’ll be a substantial change with this powerful villain association’s coming, however, Class 1-A and Class 1-B must do their joint training assignment first.
Anyhow, the new season’s second half is reportedly different from its very first part since the narrative will focus on Shigaraki. He will try his best to achieve more power to continue his reign within the League of Villains.
Izuku Midoriya is our Quirkless Protagonist, who after showing bravery that most heroes possessing quirks can not. So All Might, the amount 1 Hero acknowledges him makes him his Disciple. And he had been passing him His Quirk that he received by his master.