Koichi passed the city at full rate, and the taxpayers wondered whether the giant cockroach has just passed. They note he is too quickly, but the police are after him.
He manages to leave the police behind by sliding and leaping between buildings. Ingenium shows that he understands that Koichi is in danger, but he and his team want to assist Koichi and Kazuho.
Soga has also talked about the man who invaded the police station by harnessing their gaps. But they must protect it from the outside. Koichi unleashes his Quirk and quits himself by sticking to the truck so he can listen to Ingenium. Ingenium reveals he understands that Koichi is at risk, but he and his team want to assist Koichi and Kazuho. However, Koichi reveals he will hand himself in to the authorities after Kazuho has recovered.
When the night is all about to approach, Koichi manages to escape out of various other conflicts as he rushes towards the hospital during the Naruhata alleyways. However, he had been faced by a mysterious person. On how he encounters, Ingenium who started to chase after him, and Ingenium stated he wishes to talk with him.
Koichi unleashes his Quirk and stops himself by sticking to the truck so he can listen to Ingenium. Ingenium reveals that he knows that Koichi is at risk, but he and his team want to assist Koichi and Kazuho.
However, Koichi shows he will hand himself in to the authorities after Kazuho has recovered. Let’s see what will happen to Koichi below.