On the auspicious and patriotic event of Republic Day of India, nCore Online Games along with Akshay Kumar have launched FAUG in the Nation.
You may follow the steps given below to download FAUG from Google engage in Store.
FAUG is deemed to function as the PUBG cellular alternate however, the programmers have shrugged it off by making it very clear they aren’t trying to”duplicate PUBG cell”.
The official trailer of this game has been recently released which affirmed that FAU-G is a story-mode game based on Galwan Valley events.
The whole quantity of FAUG is 460MB and more Re-Source packs could be downloaded out of in-game therefore make sure that you have enough space on your apparatus to conduct this game perfectly.
Adhere to these basic measures to download FAUG on your android devices.
The game has got many favorable reviews at a brief time that depict a good photo of FAUG within its preliminary launch stage.