The protagonist, Sung Jin-woo, has come to Japan to conserve the people who have been attacked by S Rank giants.
Due to the sudden overall look of Rank gate, various giant critters have appeared in Tokyo and the other portion of Japan.
Yuri Orlove, the Russian S-rank Hunter has died while fighting with the monsters. Earlier Jin-woo arrived in Japan, multiple million people have already died.
In the past chapter, we found that Jin-woo summoned Tusk, Igris, Beru, and also their cousins to fight the countless monsters ruining the metropolitan areas.
They eliminated the cities one after another and finally arrived at Tokyo at which the Srank Gate opened.
The amazing colored illustrations, an off-beat main personality, cool-looking shadow military, etc., are all facets that boost this manga to a completely new stage.
What is intriguing is that Solo leveling tends to release the majority of its own chapters without the wait and each week. Of course, Solo leveling has acquired tremendous esteem from followers throughout the planet.
A bull monster is currently protecting the S-Rank Gate in Tokyo and also Hunter Jin-woo’s are ready to struggle but they are waiting for their master’s sign.
On the last page, Jin-woo gives them consent to fight and claims”My Soldiers! Cost!”.
Japan noted that around 2-9 giants have emerged out of your gate and began destroying the country.
The country started asking for assistance from different states like the USA and Korea.
Korea refused to aid, but Jin-woo volunteered to rescue people from the destruction.
As soon as he came in Japanese split his insecurities into four classes and also begins fighting with the giants together with Yoo Jin-Ho.