Eren has produced a controlling puppet Titan also this could be seen at Strike Titan Chapter 135. There might be a mental conflict between the 2 which may disrupt Eren in real life.
Eren can cause large destruction in the upcoming Attack on Titan Chapter 135. Since the series founder Hajime Isayama teased the manga’s nearing ending, enthusiasts can expect things will be receiving pretty radical every chapter.
Attack on Titan Chapter 135 should come out next month and it is going to complete the narrative because the manga show is ending so on.
Eren has somehow become the principal villain of the storyline in the simple personality with been the capability to wipe out the whole of humankind.
The alliance Titans won’t return Attack on Titan 135 chapter and may possibly even attempt to destroy Eren when he can not be clubbed with.
Zeke’s Titan appeared in Attack on Titan 134 chapter but the man himself was perhaps not shown also it clearly means something.
There will be a discussion happening of course should Eren doesn’t provide in, the alliance Titans can be left with no choice but to create down him.
The former protagonist will demonstrate a plethora of his Titan skills, so showing what they can accomplish that he may utilize as time goes on characters.