From the latest developments in this anime, Leo revealed that he had been looking for scriptures in temples for a long time. Leo also said that he investigated and found out that there are notebooks, not scriptures. He explains how he used his position to get through all of the Sacred Solst Temple stuff but he found nothing. Meanwhile, Inca and the White Clad he discovered that Yona turned herself into a Ruffle to create the Holy Sol Temple.
Company 8 has received shocking news from Victor telling them he is Haijima’s spy, but they already know this. He reveals Haijima’s plan to capture Shinra. Victor thought that this would be a good opportunity to further investigate their relationship with the Evangelist. Shinra agrees to go with Victor to Haijima, while 8 Company has a plan to keep him safe.
This week we will be looking at the release date and spoilers for Fire Force Season 2 Episode 15. You can access the Anime on the official website at or on Crunchyroll. The battle between Shinra and Kurono is about to start, Kurono is also a part for Shiran to be captured. Let’s find out how Haijiima plans and how the battle will unfold below.
Fire Force Season 2 Episode 15 will be released on Saturday, October 10, 2020. Please note that every Thursday a new episode of Fire Force Season 2 will be released.