Complete Raw Scans & Summaries for Dr. Stone Chapter 168
Thing’s have become worse inside Xeno’s territory, Senku’s team has invaded Xeno’s territory, Xeno will be shocked to watch.
He’s wondering how exactly they were able to find inside and also his territory is packed with professional guards. One of Senku’s crew points Xeno with a blade and one other two would be encircling him.
Xeno would like to understand exactly how they were able to maneuver his defenses.
Meanwhile, Chrome and others appear about the other side of Xeno’s land and Chrome stated his activation was incorrect.
Senku as well as the Kingdom of Science have recently taken a huge advantage when they captured Xeno. But, any fan of the show should be aware that it would be out of personality for Senku to function desire injury to his enemies.
They’re in a cowshed which is the point where the tunnel they were listening directly to them. Kohaku admits to everybody they have to steal each of the meals in Xeno’s land.
They have to capture him too and take over the corn growing operation. Gen is using Xeno’s henchman guarding him told the henchman he is experiencing pain in his tummy.
Kohaku’s words and also the rumored name appears to be hinting at the high-end resurrection of humankind, but this can be something which will not materialize in “Dr. Stone” chapter 168.
Senku and his partners still have pressing things to hash out today that they have caught Xeno. The same supply of the flow implies that Senku’s very first order of organization, the moment he meets Xeno experience to face, is to provide a truce.
Matters do ideal for its Senku as well as the other members of the Kingdom of Science since they conquered the pilot of the aircraft along with seized Dr. Xeno.

Yet, they continue to be oblivious of this commotion that happened within their boat, Perseus.
Once we are all aware the last phase of Dr. Stone manga sees the remaining members of the Kingdom of Science on the boat was invaded by Dr. Xeno’s subordinates directed by Stanley.
While the infiltration workforce is now getting near the enemy’s bottom, they truly are facing another concern since they cannot just head towards the front terrace and attack the enemy.
Considering all the weapons that are advanced that they owned, they can not take the danger to make a frontal assault.