Commander Wei Junie noticed that the Ryuuhan army was blocking the arrows and he decided that it was their time to escape. Commander Wei Baki also ordered his troops to attack on the left flank. Meanwhile, at Chu HQ they saw that the Gen-U army was being fiercely attacked against 3 soldiers. The Hakurei army supported them but they were under pressure, both soldiers dealing deadly blows. One of the soldiers asks Chu HQ for orders but they tell him that he has to let Gen-U handle it.
Today we’ll take a look at the release date and recap of Kingdom Chapter 655. The manga is on break next week and be sure to check out the weekly schedule to see when it will return. Let’s see below what will happen to today’s battle below. Before that, see the schedule for the Kingdom chapter below.
Kingdom Chapter 655 will be released on Saturday, October 3, 2020. A new Kingdom chapter is released every Saturday unless the manga breaks weekly. Note that next week the Kingdom is taking a weekly break, it will return to the date above.