we’re going to be talking about what happens in this week’s chapter of my hero academia now there’s something pretty major that happens in this chapter so if you aren’t sure if youwant to know about that or you aren’t caught up with the manga then click off right now for those that are here to know what happens as our heroes continue their battle against shigarakilet’s get into it but first i want to remind you guys you can keep up with me on here by subscribing and turning on notifications and you can also follow me on Twitter at local pineapple where i do take some time to tell you guys about the future every once in a while with that out of the way let’s start discussing this chapter after that intro hit it so where do we start off with my hero academia chapter 281 the title of this chapter is plus ultra and at first you may think that that means that the heroes are about to absolutely show the output you may end up being surprised we start the chapter off of a flashback of shigeraki’s dad Kotaro getting ready to smack him last chapter Chigasaki told endeavor.
that he does have purpose he does have something to stand up for something to stand on and that is the idea that heroes are scumwho put their families aside to help completely random strangersshigaraki slowly tries getting up while his father’s words about the nature of heroes echo and his mind and cracks and rips are all overshiguraki’s body showing the damage that he’s taken from the attacks by the heroes thus far but also showing the massive amount of strain that he’s probably putting on himself by using his max strength without knowing how to use it optimally and without being able to use his healingquirk right now because of Aizawa to keep him from tearing apart right nowshigeraki is actually pretty similar to Deku since he has to rely on ridiculous brute strength and speed to win but he has to do so at the expense of his own body if he isn’t mindful of specifically how he’s doing that gran Torino watches on Ishigaki struggles to get back on his feet and at the same time rock lock uses this brief moment of calm to tell isa and Manuel that he’s going to start using his quirk on different items on the battlefield to be of some assistance he warns Manuel that the water aroundizawa’s eyes has to stay in place and he isn’t allowed to let Izawa blink.
while this is going on izawa is really trying hard to keep his eyes open even though they’re pretty much squinting at this point and honestly i feel for him because even if Manuel is keeping his eyes moisturized with water forcing your eyes to remain open while they’re covered in water isn’t exactly the easiest thing to do.
but do what hemustor everyone is pretty much screwed here Isaac would tell Ishigaki to give it up already so that is what can finally blink a few times and rest his eyes but as we cut to gran Torino looking onshigaraki continues to stand up while he’s getting up shaggy starts monologuing and reveals more of his ideology to the heroes on the scene according to Keigo wings translations of the text Chigasaki stands and tells endeavor that heroes are only pretending to protect society he says in the past for generations they couldn’t protect things probably referring to the era where villains ran wild and all for one was in control heroes pretend to protect us by throwing a lid on problems that are starting to boil over instead of actually dealing with the problem itself the society that people believe can keep them safe from those scarier times is all fake part of this speech actually really reminds me of Ishigaki’s conversation with Deku in the mall early on in the series because part of what shikaraki was saying this that everyone feels safe even though any moment someone could attack small or a town and erase a crowd of people before heroes ever get the reshigeraki is pretty much questioning isn’t it wrong for people to feel safe within a lie that they leave any problem they don want to deal with to someone else.
that’s the kind of society that the advent of heroes has built and shiggysays that it was all shallowly constructed shigeraki remembers being a child and walking through the streets after houses quirk on his entire family remembers walking off his hands together obviously needing someone to reach out and save him and he remembers how everyone was way too busy to help a lost and bloody child shiggy says that the result of heroes wanting all of the responsibility for society’s problems but not being able to effectively deal with those problems made the contents of society that they were trying to protect bad in reality the heroes have created a world where people likeshigaraki or nain or tosakiare left to transform into deadly villains powerful enough to present a major threat to hero society when all three of these characters initially started off as orphans who could have been set on the right path if someone on the side of good actually reached out and offered their help it leads to situations where a kid likebakugou has to suffer an attack from a slime monster because all of the heroes around them have given up on being helpful since they don’t have the right quick but I think this speech kind of further enforces why Deku was such a great main character for this series because what Chigasaki is specifically complaining about is something that we’ve seen is the opposite of the kind of hero that Deku is the kind of hero that is going to extend his hand when he sees a child in need of a friend in need or justanyone in need you know what I mean and if Deku was an adult at that point order was a hero at the point thatshigaraki was walking through the town looking for help.
I have no question in my mind that Deku would have been the only person to reach out to Chigasaki and try to help them which is ironic considering the fact that now this two are kind of reaching out to take each other’sthroats out while shigeraki is explaining all of this we see cuts of people still evacuating or trying to get a video of what’s going on on their phones while the heroes fight for their lives and try to save anyone that they can shigaraki ends his speech by saying he understands how society got to the low point that it’s at today it’s all the fault of someone who failed to change society it’s all the fault of someone who failed to be a hero I think of course that chicaraki is talking about all might here and I should probably do a video exploring this conversation between shigaraki and the heroes a bit more because there really is a lot of contexts here to talk about but I don’t want to spend the whole spoiler video breaking down one piece of the chapters let’s move on as Chigasaki is ending speech endeavor whooshes in with a giant fire-filled punch that sends a cloud of fire toward shigaraki endeavor actually thanks Shiki for talking so much for so long since endeavor had some time to recover for a bit but he looks up quickly and realizes that shigeraki is back on the attack and actually dodged his recent fire blast completely shigurakiis about to swing down on endeavor with probably the scariest face that he’s put on yet but suddenly gran Torino comes in from behind and slams shigarakiinto the ground trying to restrain him he puts his hand on the back of Ishigaki’s head and tries to use his other hand to get one of shigaraki’s arms behind his backwhile he’s doing this gran Torino thinks to himself that endeavors fire seems weaker it must be because he’s getting to his limit since if you real endeavor can only allow his internal temperature to get to a certain temp before he passes out or maybe even worseshigaraki wildly
lashes out on the ground and turns and try and swipe at gran Torino to get him off of him but ran Torino uses his boosters to jump backwards in an attempt to avoid shigaraki’s grasp ran Torino definitely judged the distance correctly but shigaraki uses his other arm to hit the ground and push his body upwards a bit because of this gran Torino is genuinely lost at how unnaturally shigaraki is able to move and suspects that shigaraki’s body is largely synthetic which is something that we pretty much knew because of the doctor’s quote to present mike a few chapters ago because no normal human body should be able to handle these sorts of movements unfortunately because of this this means that shigeraki actually does manage to grab gran torino’s boot with one of his hands without any delay as soon as shigerakidoes this closes the hand that he’s using to grab gran torino’s leg completely crushing gran torino’s foot with shigaraki’s all mytier strength now can you imagine all grabbing your foot and crushing it at full power personally don’t ever want to imagine that kind
of pain but for gran, Torino’s not over yet all of our heroes immediately notice the danger that gran Torino is in and they all try to do something endeavor ready is a hell spider attack bakugou shoots towards shigeraki and Deku starts running towards themes he screams at shigaraki but like this, all happens shigaraki slams, Gran Torino, on the ground by his foot smiling since he’s finally got one of the heroes in his grasp Gran Torino looks up in pain and sees the look onshiguraki’s face which is a look of puremadness shigeraki has a huge smile on his face his hair is flowing all over the place and his eyes are completely white and wide open this is like a cornered animal lashing out to stay alive and gran Torino starts to think Shimura it’s here where we take a step into the past as gran Torino remember snana Shimura in the flashback we see nana Shimura saying goodbye to her child and leaving him moreover we will discuss till that time please being with us to get more and latest updates.