okay people so after the long agonizing wait we finally got some spoilers forbore to chapter 49and oh my gosh people because when we last left off we know shit was critical ishikioski has officially arrived in Konoha the battle was about to go down but we don’t know exactly where it’s all gonna start where how is it gonna go and we got spoilers people we got a lot of spoilers right here the chapter I believe drops tomorrow but baby let’s get into it let’s get into some of this boruto manga greatness people I’m too excited right now I’m too excited I’ve been waiting for all freaking months like when’s that next chapter gonna come and we got spoilers so it’ll ease us through until tomorrow let’s talk about it okay so before we jump into the spoilers just gotta note that if you remember correctly there was a little previewed teaser
that was saying that poroto is going to be a part of the fight now I’m curious how they’re going to incorporate him because we know that naruto and Sasuke themselves in the last battle against ishikioski when he was still powered down in the Gigan form got theirasses kicked soi don’t know how much help boruto was going to be able to add to this whole situation considering they got their asses handed to them the last time so mean maybe karma will play a big factor but let’s read these spoilers there’s a lot of thema lot of information and then we’ll talk
some more so starting off we got gracefully floating ishiki on a leisurely tour of konohacasually terrifying villains and then uprooting some things to destroy there are six pages of naruto versusishiki taijutsu only five pages of Sasuke versus ishikishuriken only name jutsu were used during this portion so there wasn’t anything big in that portion basically sasuketricks ishikihe kept throwing shuriken at him as a distraction sukunahikona can obviously shrink them that’s the name of the jutsu that ishiki uses to shrink things complicated name but then Sasuke launches his katana at ishiki he’s surprised that it can’tshrinkand that was because it was boruto using the hentai no jutsu pretending to be the katana so they’re using strategy i love that shitfor the people that always complain borrow toe or even going back to like she put in that what happened to strategy
what happened to hand-to-handcombatborrowto has been delivering that times10 like what if I told you that the world tour manga is actually really good so let’s continue by using the katana trick or to get close enough to ishiki so that they both got sent to another dimension that is boruto’s resolve different dimension it’s got normal-looking forest rocks cliffs cloudssasuke tracks worlds chakra and warped in after them with naruto hold on a sec by using the katana trick borrow to get close enough to Nishiki so that they both got sent to another dimension that is boruto’sresolve so are they referring to like I don’t think that Toronto himself did if I’m imagining that Nishiki used his powers to send as you know similar to what Kagi was able to do and then uh he took boruto with him because again unless or to was using the jargon and again these spoilers will have full clarification
when the chapter drops that is interesting and then, of course, Sasuke naruto headed there too like yam where are you taking the little money back then that time when we went to rescue my father who got kidnapped by momo shikiochan you let me your hee Tai ate right I was wondering if you could lend it tome again it’s something important to me you’ll have to return it yeah i promisedebasa so I’m imagining that’s world total telling Sasuke to remember in the world until narrow to the movie stuff how Sasuke lent him the headband and whatnot he’s asking him can you lend it to me again which the scar people the scars coming it chapter 50 is more than likely gonna be but again
let’s continue we got ishikipolitely approaches to shinobi I’m looking for someone a boy named kawakido you know where he is and I’m assuming that a lot of this is out of order this isn’t like straight beat by beat the chapter one ninja tends to throw shuriken at ishiki they get miniaturized by ishiki obviously ishiki sends some flying right back into his eyeballchest sorry but I’m in a hurry could you please quickly answer my question
if not I’ll be sacrificing some civilians next okay so this is taking place prior to all this is when ishiki first arrives in Konoha meanwhile an unconscious kawaii is being slung overpsy’s shoulder to be carried away elsewhere from Amado’s interrogation room the Ambu have an underground facility that they use that’s not even officially documented by the village which we’ve heard beforeamado is worried about it but saire assures him that the area has sufficient countermeasures against the Bakugan so Shikamaru plus amido plus kawaii plus are going there if it’s the worst-case scenario and if your consciousness gets overrated by momoshiki don’t worry at that time I’ll stop you with all my might even
if I have to kill you that is my resolve as your mentor because naruto probably wouldn’t be able to do two so Sasuke is basically telling the world to yo if you lose it and go bonkers don’t worry fam i’ll put you down I’ll give you the old yellow treatment like what the fuck Sasuke this dude is nuts like you this is crazy ishigi spends most of the taijutsu battle versus naruto just kicking him around naruto literally gets sent through a row of large buildings when ishiki is about to dramatically stomp naruto barefoot again Sasuke uses runagon to swap places with is his heroic entry, okay i am going live and again we’ll get all into it when you know the full chapter and we get more context and whatnot but it’s starting to be a little ridiculous for naruto getting his ass be like anybody else agree with me on that like how many times is naruto gonna have to get saved by Sasuke as i get it he’s rusty i get it
him being uh you know Hokage all these years and just sitting at a desk has been taxing in a way i guess you could say on his skills he’s rustier than a motherfucking rustier than a rusty nailout in the middle of the fucking boonies and shit like that i get that but common fam like i want to see naruto kicking someass and it seems as though like lately he’s just been like the damsel in the stress like the Elizabeth to sasuke’smeliotis like what the fuck are we doing here like just gotta throw that in there don’t like hearing constantly naruto getting stumped the fuck out and Sasuke having to come and save the day but as my body gets completely overridden if i won’t be myself anymore when that time comes i oral-toe clutches his chest i guess this is going back to when Sasuke was talking to the world about him being overriddenbortleto clutches his chest bunching up his t-shirt there’s no
telling what might doto everyone in the village that’s what I’m scared of da te basa Noboru to internal conflicts there probably a ton more i’ve seen a whole bunch of pictures and whatnot of the battle and shit like that you see narutosasuke you see boruto putting on the headband looking epic as hell this chapter it looks like the action is going to be crazy in 2025 when the anime finally adapts this shit it’s going to be the wild world to anime what the fuck is wrong with you get to this shit now so it seems as though we’re in store for one hell of a ride with this chapter didn’t see anything to be honest with you that was like whoa that i thought it would have been because i thought 49 would have solved something big whether it would have been a major death whether it would have been borrowedcatching the scar of his eye but with him putting on the
headband and what not I’m almost certain that this is foreshadowing that chapter 50 is going to be the big one i thought maybe 49 think back to like the way Kishimoto did things you know599 was when we found out about obito’sidentity and shit like that seems although ikamoto and kodachi aren’t on that same type of Kishimoto mindset they’re probably going to save it for the big 50whatever is going to happen but this chapter sounds insane the battle looks great we got a really awesome color page of ishiki to open upi can’t freaking wait to read this looks so good this sounds so good Sasuke threatening world so i’m curious what you guys think about all this for starters how do you feel hearing Sasuke basically tell me moral talk you get put under control fam don’t worry I got a salad for you right here fam gonna put you down i’m gonna give
you the old yellow treatment it’ll be fine how do you feel about that also are you in agreeance for me like what’s going on with naruto taking the beats all the time what’s up with that like do you feel as though it’s disrespectful to the character like why naruto constantly is getting his ass with also what was up with that again the full chapter will have full context but was it that Nishiki sent him and borrowed tots another dimension they borrow to use the jargon did he finally activate it like what’s up with that your thoughts on these spoilers so far like this sounds nuts i can’t freaking wait Nishiki invading konakawaki seemingly isn’t going to be apart of a lot of this until maybe towards the end especially Tsai is taking him underground where he can’t be detected a kind of curious if it’s because he suspicious of Amado’s motives and shitlike that because why would you
take him out of there and take him into hiding and shit like that like I get it because he should keep being there but something doesn’t sit well with me and said a very um not suspicious not that he’s the suspicious one but he’s always on top of things per se so maybe he sees something more to it as well that’s why he’s like don’t worry I’ll take care of this I think kawaii though at the end of all this is going to pop back up it’s going to regain consciousness and that’s where shit is going to go in the overall thoughts and expectations for this chapter i can’t freaking wait to get the full thing i need it now tomorrow can’t come fast enough world chapter 49 this shit sounds so good the Thai juices I can’t get enough of it that juices just why does naruto have to get his asskicked but that’s all I have for this one.