Oh, what’s going on clover nation let’s start off talking about dante because it is confirmed and these spoiler dante is beaten he has been putting out a commission he’s not getting up or lu safari will be getting dante up anytime soon so it’s confirmed that he’s beaten. He’s looking like a meme but hopefully, later on in his art get to redeem himself because he has so much hype but has so much potential at the village.
So hopefully his potential just don’t die right there as he took the l to asta and yami so now let’s talk about what saved this thing these spoilers and that is zen on the goat himself coming in and just basically handling his business you know their job was just to capture yami and william so what zenon did is he captured both of them, first he captured william by going into the stronghold of the golden dawn wrecked house almost killed you know, killed half the golden dawn members and defeated william and catching william and now he’s over here at the black bull’s hideout even though they’re literally at the spade king the border he comes there for a quick pit stop beat up some black boys for a couple seconds and just take nami and go he gave him the wood stream now he stick bones to his body just like you see william right here and his panel right here behind zen on he gave yami that same treatment and he just left and also couldn’t do a dang thing about it because as you see the spoiler pillar right here also faints which makes sense you know he literally just used that new devil power.

The devil gave him in last week’s chapter and he warned us if he uses because his power itself buy your body will not last and you only can have 50 seconds when using it and when time runs out you won’t be able to move your body a single part of your body will not be able to move so you see oscar faints right here he’s underground but as young as getting taken away as he sees xenons right there he is talking to his devil pleading to his devil like you give me more power i need more power because i saw this on the rough translations on twitter i wish i had pulled the screenshot for y’all but it literally said i said beggar for more power he don’t care how much more body parts he has to give up he wants to save his captain yami and the devil’s like i can’t do you’re weak and the reason why you failed because you’re weak and that’s the only reason why you only have 50 seconds because you know he’s not strong enough to withhold that power that the devil just gave him so it just gave awesome more motivation to get stronger like for him to get more time when using that power and to save y’all because he literally just saw his cat.
You see literally saw captain yama get kidnapped right in front of his eyes and he couldn’t do a damn thing about it so that’s gonna give him so much motivation to grow stronger and i love that drawback man like i just love it man of that new power-up like you have 50 seconds that’s it like you can’t spam it and can have a short little cooldown and use it again nope once you use it you’re done, you can’t use your butt you, can’t move any part of your body for a couple of minutes or so we don’t even know how long he can’t move his body forward but he can’t move his body right after the 50 seconds and it’s a cool little cool down a cool little drawback for using an amazingly strong power as he got in last week’s chapter so i just love that double-edged sword like sure it’s powerful as hell.
But it has a consequence when you use it and this is the consequence when you’re using and when you don’t know like the situation is fully done like you know you completely won the battle and now you saw zen all popped up you know wrecking house using his bone magic and we saw fender try to do something but you know fender couldn’t really do nothing and get someone strong as then on so soon i went to go capture yami and he successfully did that so they got william in possession and yami in the possession and now they can complete their plan but the caveat to all this is see what could be zenon’s second magical attribute man like we see like xenon literally popped up right beside yummy without yammy since his key or anything like he just got there and nobody’s seen it.
Since anything he has to have some type of magic that’s like spatial dimension type thing where he can teleport or will or demand like you know do something with spatial magic like bend into his wool or something like that because there’s no way you’re gonna is right there right by right beside yaomi’s face without yammy even noticing like y’all would assist this key write it like immediately you know like when the moment or before that happened like so he has to have some special or dementia type thing and the way it seemed like he got away it looked like he left in the portal like the thing he made so it could be his second attribute is somewhat spatial or dimension type magic which would be very interesting for him to use because he got bones and he got spatial magic to imagine combining.
Those two magic together that is a deadly combination you know but that’s pretty much it after that because i believe i heard in the spoilers that zenon left dante there uh to the black bulls why he just took yami away with williams so if that’s the case that is funny and it was i basically called it if this is true i called it, i’ll see dante on the ground but he sees xiaomi right there and just like mighty wap stuff black bull members which he kind of did not do look like he just left them like chill wow basically he just grabbed yami and just left oscar right there watching or maybe he did handle the black boys we just got to wait till the chapter comes out tomorrow and we get to see all the panels and his glory and you know he took yomi and walked away scot-free like but in my thing i thought he would like go you know see dante on the ground shake his head of shame grab the crown dust it off put it on his head beat up
The black boys grab yami and just leave you know like a badass but this was so badass as well he literally just left dante there on the ground just like knocked out unconscious out of commission like if this is true that is freaking go peer status by zen on right there.