Niantic has published a meeting with Matthew Slemon who is the direct Product Manager for Pokemon-Go. In Essence, Matthew’s group is Responsible for the Road Map for PokemonGo. He shared some intriguing information regarding the level cap Pokémon Go and Mega Evolutions’ ongoing future.
Level 50 is coming
The degree cap was discussed to the places of work for a long moment, and also the way to to get it, the main topic has become the source for disagreement on those groups.
Matthew suggested which they did not desire coaches that are 40 practical encounter demand to hit level fifty as it had been published. They desire outside and degree 4 1 require a little attempt, and that’s exactly what leveling upward should really be. He explained that leveling outside and 4 1 wont be simple as grinding expertise.
I guess that people’re planning to visit field search prerequisites. Endeavors we are likely to need to accomplish as a way to progress into this second grade in the event you will.
Let’s assume to get one second! You’ll find several ways which the degree limit can be handled by Niantic. Will there be be decoration prerequisites? That is some thing which Trainers may have completed, although I guess that are a portion of this, Ingress H AS decoration prerequisites.
Level 41
* 30,000,000 experience
* Make 20 Excellent throws
* Catch 50 different species of Pokémon
* Mega evolve 5 Pokémon
Mega Evolutions
Matthew confirmed you will likely soon be equipped to evolve your. This really is very exciting thing, because there certainly are a slew of or studies.
Have a Look at this informative article for a full list of Mega Evolvable Pokémon at Pokémon Proceed!
What’s new in 2020 and beyond
Matthew was very vague but he stated that there are far more occasions, forthcoming, along with a lot more characteristics. He also signaled that Niantic discharging fresh types and is currently trying to find the ideal balance between present characteristics.
The subsequent 6 months will be looking to become somewhat fascinating, and I am confident the 2021 will bring even more enthusiasm. Remain safe out that trainers.
He suggested that 2021 may be per year at which we view further developments along with fewer features on current ones.