Nollywood Dreams, playing at Round House Theatre, is that women-centered escapist story. The set is a kaleidoscope turntable of three sets

Ayamma’s big dreams of breaking into the Nigerian film industry do not outsize her boisterous body language.

who always has a smart remark at the ready, is reduced to a series of squeaks when he gets near.

Ayamma makes it her mission to snag the lead role as the wife of a duplicitous man in the melodrama The Comfort Zone against all odds

Bioh also doesn’t leave catfight tropes undisturbed. It’s hard not to enjoy Fayola and Ayamma’s audition knockout rounds at Gbenga’s studio

or the awkward sidesteps of Wale and Gbenga when they find themselves caught in unfriendly fire.

ensuring there’s no clear winner for audience empathy. Behind the shades and kayfabe of cold glamour

Their backstory unfolds and unveils the longtime wound beneath Fayola’s hardness.

The Comfort Zone story within the story makes Nollywood Dreams a dual win when the characters and their film characters triumph.

The rom-com within the play of the same genre likewise doubles the laughter